Thursday, November 25, 2010

Surprise! You are a gun banner.

Today's magic phrase: cognitive dissonance.

If you dare to say that certain weapons should not be allowed or that there are some places where they are not a good idea or there are some people who shouldn't have guns, you are automatically a "gun banner." It's as simple as that.

If you're in favor of banning any guns, you are a gun banner. Just because you don't want to ban all guns, it doesn't make you any less of a gun banner. There are no degrees of gun bannerism. You either are or you aren't. If you want to ban "assault weapons", you are a gun banner. If you want to ban .50 caliber rifles, you are a gun banner. If you want to ban guns that are painted pink, you are a gun banner.

It really is as simple as that.


Bob S. said...

Wonder if she would think I'm a Joan Peterson banner if I wanted legislation that made it illegal for Joan Peterson to be in public?

What people do speaks louder than what they say.

AztecRed said...

"What people do speaks louder than what they say."

The gun banners are trying to bank on the complete opposite and unfortunately they get away with it with the vast majority of people.

Mike W. said...

I guess under Japate's logic if some genocidal mad man only wanted to kill 99% of Jews on the planet he wouldn't be committing genocide.

After all, as long as you don't kill them all it's not genocide, right?

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